Saturday 7 May 2011

Tiger, elephant, monkey, gun mania

First stop on the taxi tour was the elephants, we tried to tell the nice taxi man we wanted to go to a sanctuary that doesn't exploit the elephants, but he had no idea what the word exploit meant, so we had to go with the flow. The elephants didn't seem to be being treated badly but it was a bit weird watching do un-elephant type things, like kicking soccer balls at goals and painting.

Then we went to see the monkeys, that was just a bit sad, lots were chained up :-(
But the tigers! The tigers were awesome...and sleepy...cos it was insanely hot. When we got our tiger photos taken the trainer told us to give the tiger spoony spoony....but nick wasn't allowed to give them any upside down treatment...

GUNS! Nick went gangster styles with a .45 caliber pistol. I just about fell over when he fired it. real gangsters must have really bad hearing!

After all that you'd think we'd have had enough for one day but we decided to go to a Muay Thai match. The kids were awesome (not that i condone that). The main event was laaaaame. They had a really tough looking spanish guy against a thai guy who was.....less than fit (chuuubby). Chubs tripped over his own foot in the second round and hurt his knee...night over.

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