Thursday 5 May 2011

KL City Tour - Dollar fifty?

No such luck, KL is cheap in some things like taxis and not so in others like anything at our hotel.

The day started off in Penang where we checked out of our stinky hotel. We flew to KL and then agreed to let the taxi man take us on a tour of the city for 25rm per hour ($12.5) cause he seemed nice and spoke good English  Money well spent!

First stop was KL sky tower which is 400 and something meters tall, about 100m taller than Auck's tower. I didn't like it... so only spent a minimum of 10mins up there before I decided I had had enough and had to come down to earth.

Oh and at the bottom there was a little zoo of sorts... where I groped a friggen PYTHON!!! It was just like handling a big piece of alive meat, kinda cause thats just what it was.... but once you have had a go you will agree.

Alice, your turn to write something.

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