Monday 9 May 2011

Fourth Day Of Chiang Mai

Not alot to report for todays activities. We decided on the remaining legs of our journey being Bangkok for a couple of days and then on to the Krabi area for some serious beach time.

We also did a bit of shopping (Alice brought 4 pairs of shoes.....sigh ), took a number of Tok Toks. We also met our first unhelpful Thai person, a Tok Tok driver, old, drove slow.... and over charged us even though he didnt have a clue where he was going (by about $3-$4 NZD so no biggy). The Video below was of a much better driver, he was nice.
Just had a Pizza from Mario's for dinner and it was pretty damn good. Alice paid for it in blood as she made a large offering to the Mosquito gods (that will teach here for leaving the hotel without repellent!)

So after this we are off to the night market again to do some last minute shopping before we fly out to Bangkok tomorrow morning.

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